The Jewish Woman's Musings Podcast

On this platform we will share some deep Torah concepts, peppered with relevant thoughts about life that have made a difference in mine. This podcast is for the deep-thinking, questioning and emotionally in-touch individual who has an interest in Torah Judaism from a feminine perspective. Stay tuned for some awesome insights, relevant discussions and weekly inspiration with a twist.

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Wednesday May 27, 2020

We delve in to the deep meaning of the number 3 and learn what the festival Shavuot teaches us for our entire Jewish identity. Join me as we dissect the mechanics of any human relationship - coworkers, friendships, enemies and marriages, and then superimpose the workings we discovered to our relationship with our Creator. It all started on Shavuot - let's get ready. 

Student of Life

Monday May 11, 2020

Monday May 11, 2020

Being indoors, or limited in the things we do and people we interact with nowadays can really bring up the feeling of being stuck. However this period of time - from Passover to Shavuos, is a time to be anything but stuck. Join me as we uncover the hidden connection between Omer, Shabbat and Shmitta and gain access to a lesson that will keep us constantly moving

The Freed Slave

Monday May 04, 2020

Monday May 04, 2020

You just got your independence, freedom at last and the possibilities are endless...those are the emotions the Jews must have felt right after leaving Egypt. In this week's Torah portion we are commanded to count. Count the days between Passover and Shavuos. What does this process of counting have to do with our core identity and what can we learn to instill a positive identity in us? Join me as we find out. 

A Cut In Thine Flesh

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

We are given quite an intense commandment, or rather warning, in this weeks Torah portion- not to symbolize the loss of a loved one with a cut on our flesh. Lets go down a few levels here and gain appreciation to the nuanced approach the Torah is giving us about how to deal with pain in our lives. 

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

In this weeks Parsha we talk about the Metzora - someone who, because of moral transgressions, must isolate from the entire community. Since the word 'isolation' is much used these days, lets delve a bit deeper in to the distasteful actions, their psychological underpinnings and the consequence the Torah prescribes to fix the internal problem. Well hopefully emerge with a new perspective on our own social distancing that will bring fresh opportunities for all of us. 

Friday Apr 03, 2020

This Passover may be one that many would like to pass over (sorry, couldn't resist the pun) however we are given a completely unique opportunity in our lives, even if we wouldn't have chosen it. Join me as we make two points - one to do with the structure of the Seder and one more personal, and lets prepare for an amazing Pessach we'll be happy we experienced. 

Secrets to a relationship

Friday Mar 27, 2020

Friday Mar 27, 2020

Welcome to Sefer Vayikrah and a host of meaningful insights. What do sacrifices have to do with our relationships?  In this week we analyze the underlying concepts relating to 'Korbanot' - what they are and what they are not. What we will walk away with are 2 core insights in to building a true long lasting and fulfilling relationship. 

Potential to Give

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020

How do we overcome that voice inside us that seems to whisper 'your not good enough' on repeat, hindering us from following through with our dreams? Taking a good look at the constructing of the Tabernacle in this weeks Torah portion, we may gain insight for our day to day lives. And now, March 2020 with the spread of CovId19, this call for internal dialog and (hopefully) victory comes not a moment too soon. 

Lets get started

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020

Hi all, Rivka Lerner here in London, currently a women's educator at the JLE. My life is all about running the home-ship, software developing and teaching, running after my kids and trying to answer the questions about life they ask me. On this platform I'd like to share some deep Torah concepts, peppered with relevant thoughts about life that have made a difference in mine. Stay tuned for more awesome insights! 

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